Friday, January 14, 2011

Quote of the Day

Isabella: "Mom! You know that new science book I got for Christmas?!? Did you know that in it there is a picture of slugs mating?!?"
"No. I was unaware of that."
"It's awesome! Slugs don't have privates, so do you know how the female gets to the sperm?"
"No I don't, and frankly that's just fine with me."
"Well, she pushes her organs to the outside! That way the sperm gets to where it needs to go! Isn't that great?!?"
I've always been happy I'm not a slug, but now more than ever.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Anticipation Parenting

So, I received a call at work from the oldest today. This is quite unusual, and I immediately assumed that someone was dead or on fire. Perhaps both.

"Mom! Emily has been crying for an hour!"
Still alive. Excellent news.
"Why? Did someone hit her?"
"No. You know that new brush? The circle one where the bristles go all the way around?"
"Well. Emily decided she wanted to use it because the thought it was awesome and it is stuck in her hair."
"Is it still in her hair?"
"Yes. I really need her to be quiet."
"Well, Isabella, there isn't a lot I can do about this from work. Can you try to get it out for her?"
She brightened up immediately.
"Oh sure, Mom! I'll go do that now."
"Isa. DO NOT cut your sister's hair."
"Oh. *long pause* Well, okay. I'll just try to ignore her, then."

Any bets on if she already had the scissors when she called me?
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