Sunday, September 25, 2011

Quote of the Day

Declan: "When someone is speaking into a bunch of microphones, like the president giving a speech or something, from a distance it kind of looks like he's speaking into a bunch of robot penises."

A Fool and Her Money...

Emily was rummaging around the house collecting change. We'd been to the zoo and she saw a stuffed animal that she would apparently live a tragic, unfulfilled life without. She came running out of the master bedroom waving a dollar; her largest find thus far.

"Oh, that's my dollar." says Declan
"No, I found it in Mom and Dad's room." Emily counters
"Yeah, I left it in there the other day. It's mine for sure."
"AAAGGGHH! Fine. Here. But why every time I find a dollar it's yours? You are just SAYING that they are your monies!"
"Oh, that's easy. I only have one dollar, but you always find the same one."
"Well, you should put it in safer places, then."

Declan walks away with yet another dollar, snickering.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Aging Gracefully

Emily was patiently explaining to her father precisely why he was starting to look old.

"Well, you have a beard. And glasses and lots of white hairs."

He asked her if I looked old as well.

"Not yet. But Wait!"

She ran in to the bathroom and came out with my bottle of foundation. Which I haven't worn in months. Maybe years.

"Here Mom. If you start to look like Dad, just put on this!"
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