Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Quote of the Day

Emily got some new clothes from my mother. One outfit was a cute little denim skort and a shirt with sparkly embroidery that said "High Maintenance". I'm not even going to get in to the appropriateness of that.

Anyway, she went and put it on, brushed her hair and selected shoes with the appropriately matching sparkle-ness. I told her that she looked nice.

"Yeah I know. I AM pretty adorable in this."

That one will be the death of me.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm Gonna Get the Good Old Folks Home!

I was asking the kids what topics they were interested to study next year. Declan said "Science"! I told him that science was a super big topic, so I asked him to be more specific.

"Black holes and dark matter!"

My son is totally a genius. No bias.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

One of the Many Joys of Pet Ownership

Isabella and her dad were sitting on the couch with our dog, Jager. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that Jager is German for "hunter", not merely a really nasty shot which everyone in thier twenties is convinced contains deer blood. And that he had that name when we adopted him.

Anyway, Isa was petting him and he was getting very playful; something he rarely does with the kids. The Husband enthusiastically encouraged her.

"That's it! Scratch his ears - he loves it! Get in there on his belly with a good rub! Oh! He's giving you the straight legs! Get in on that leg muscle!"

The Husband was quiet for a couple of seconds because he had turned his attention back to the baseball game. Isa made a groaning noise and copying the tone and cadence of her father informed us of an unfortunate turn.

"And, noooow he's licking his butthole"

Game over.

On Sitars and Hippies

The other day, I overheard a conversation between my son and The Husband. Declan correctly made reference to a sitar, which very much surprised his Dad.

"How do you know what a sitar is??"
"Oh, remember last summer when we were walking around downtown after art class? I saw a hippie on the street playing a sitar."
"How do you know the guy was a hippie?"
"Well, his hair was pretty long, he was wearing a tie-dye shirt, and... well... he was playing a sitar!"


I know it's been a long time since I wrote anything. I will do better. Lately, I've been a bit preoccupied and angry and just not in the mood to write funny stuff. But, I think everything is going to work out for the best. We've had some family meetings and Matt and I have made some (I hope) good decisions. Sometimes the best course of action is not the one for which you very carefully prepared.

Anyway, I'm back in the saddle and have some ground to make up! :)
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