Saturday, February 27, 2016

Footie Pajamas and Politics

Emily was ready for bed and sporting her fluorescent camo footie pajamas. At nearly eleven years old she has decided that she gives zero fucks most kids stopped wearing these half their life ago. She finds them comfortable and great fun to slide around our wood floors and I fully anticipate packing her off to college with footie pajamas. 
Anyhow, we as per usual, were discussing the election and her favorite candidate, Donald Trump. She thinks he is hilarious and cannot stop analyzing why on earth any adult person would actually think he should be in charge of anything. Pardon me while I have an "I'm obviously doing something right" parenting moment...
Mara observed: "you know mom, I legit know some four year-olds who would be better at president than Donald Trump."
"I believe you. YOU would be a better president than Donald Trump."
She looked at me with the kind patience you help and old, blind woman.
"Well obviously. Even if I showed up to a debate in my pajamas!"
"Especially then!"
"And it wouldn't even matter that I couldn't answer all the questions because at least I can use my nouns!"
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