Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Self Regulation

Overheard after the three children were sent upstairs to clean their rooms, a very unpopular request.
Emily crying.
Isabella says in her best mature voice, "See? That's what you get! That's what happens when you are lazy and you won't do your part! You get kicked in the stomach! Now, Emily, get up and clean your room!"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quote of the Day

Emily: "Mom, you know really tall kids that sit in the back of the bus? The teenagers? Well, they are super loud and they use words that are inappropriate for little kids like me. Because of those teenagers, I know words like 'suck' and 'fucking a'.
Isabella: "Emily!! You should not use words like that!"
Emily: "I didn't! I heard them from the teenagers! Well, mostly the teenagers and a little from Dad."
Way to go Dad.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Body, My Self

Conversations this week with Emily about the body:

"I can't hold the drinks, Mom. I'm sleeping."
"Then don't sleep."
"I'm trying, but these eyelids have a mind of their own!"

"Mom! I almost barfed! I felt something come up into my throat. I'm pretty sure it was a kidney or something."

"No! I don't want to take a bath."
"You should. You're a little stinky."
"Nope. Smell my feet - they are sweet as a flower!"

Friday, March 18, 2011

Quote of the Day

The Husband is glued to the television watching the NCAA wrestling tournament. They show two matches at a time. Trying to not ignore the family completely, he asked Emily which one of the four currently on the screen she wanted to win.
"Hmm. I don't know. Which one has the best abs?"

Quote of the Day

"Emily, how was Kindergarten today?"
"It was pretty bad."
"Jacob farted during music class."
"Gross. Nice boyfriend you got, there."
"Yeah, I'm kind of starting to hate him."
"Huh. He really is your boyfriend!"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quote of the Day

Emily was trying to patiently explain to me how something I'd asked her to do was completely unreasonable. She finally sighed and started over.

"Mom. That will take five minutes! That's like four hours in Kindergarten time!"
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