Saturday, March 31, 2012

You're Welcome!

So the other night Emily rolled up on The Husband with an empty plastic bottle and her best teacher voice.

"So. Dad.  I heard you last night asking Mom about recycling. I can help you! It's really easy. See this triangle of arrows right here on the bottle? Well, if it has that, it can go in the recycling. And look. The very same arrow is on the recycling bin. It's just like the match game!"

She paused for a moment, but received no response from her stunned father. She was unfazed.

Right before she turned on her heel and sauntered off, she cheerfully responded to what she was convinced her dad was thinking.

"And, you're welcome!"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Quote of the Day

Emily was trying to get me to hang out in the basement. She mistook my having other stuff to do as an aversion to the basement itself.
"Come on, Mom, it's great down here! There's not an alligator problem or anything!"
Good to know.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Nuts and Penises

Shortly after the kids went back to public school, we had to sign a permission slip for Isabella to take health class. You know, the "health"class. We signed it, and explained to her a bit about what she could expect.

Today, I called her from work to ask about her day.
"Oh, it was pretty good. I had my first health class."
"Oh yeah? How did that go?"
"Well, I was expecting it to be all about gross stuff, like balls and penises and stuff, but all we talked about were genes. So, I dodged that bullet today."
Immediately, I could hear Em start chanting in the background conga-style.
"Penis, penis, pe-NIS! Penis, penis, pe-NIS!"
Isa sighed.
"Mom, I really hope she doesn't behave this way when she takes health class."
Me, either. I don't need the phone call about my daughter adding to health class with a penis chorus.
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