Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Fool and Her Money...

Emily was rummaging around the house collecting change. We'd been to the zoo and she saw a stuffed animal that she would apparently live a tragic, unfulfilled life without. She came running out of the master bedroom waving a dollar; her largest find thus far.

"Oh, that's my dollar." says Declan
"No, I found it in Mom and Dad's room." Emily counters
"Yeah, I left it in there the other day. It's mine for sure."
"AAAGGGHH! Fine. Here. But why every time I find a dollar it's yours? You are just SAYING that they are your monies!"
"Oh, that's easy. I only have one dollar, but you always find the same one."
"Well, you should put it in safer places, then."

Declan walks away with yet another dollar, snickering.

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