Saturday, November 5, 2011

Holidays and the Lord

Okay, so if you've been reading this since the beginning, you know that The Husband and I don't have that old-fashioned, down-home, small-town embrace of religion. We don't discourage our kids from exploring religion, but we also didn't feel right about brainwashing them with any one in particular. Especially if we are not convinced ourselves.

Anywho, the kids all have very different perspectives on the subject. Emily considers herself religious, and Declan just doesn't understand it. He just can't get his very logic-driven head around blindly believing in something that there is absolutely no physical proof of whatsoever. He also is very put off by all the war and violence he sees on the television in the name of religion. Long story short, he's shaping up to be quite the little Agnostic.

My parents are very religious. Very. And their disappointment with me, and most importantly how I am wantonly throwing my children to the wolves of eternal damnation, is without limit. Religion is just something we have decided not to discuss.

So the kids and I went trick-or-treating the other night in my hometown with my Mom. It was a lovely, unseasonable warm evening and the streets were chock full of happy kids and happy parents.

We were pulling up on a street that looked particularly promising, and arguing erupted from the back seat.

Emily: "You HAVE to tell her, Declan!"
Declan: "Shut UP! No I don't!"
Emily: "But she's a Grandma - that means she has to be accepting!"
Declan: "No!!"
Emily: 'Grandma, Declan doesn't believe in God."
Declan:"Damn it, Emily! Why do you have talk about that today of all days?!? Don't you have any respect for holidays?!?"

I would like to hereby propose that on all holidays going forward that no discussion of the validity of religion be allowed between family members who do not agree on said topic. Actually, I'm pretty sure that every day is a holiday somewhere....

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