Wednesday, August 13, 2014

So. Much. Hair.

Emily talks. A lot. All the time.  I believe she may physically fear silence.  She gets this from her father.

The other day they were talking to each other, as often happens in the evening when they have worn down the attention spans of the rest of the family to nubs.  I only catch part of their conversations, and usually wouldn't understand most of it if I did give it my entire attention.  This one, however amused me.

"I am very strong."
"That's right.  You are built like me."
"I look a lot like you.  In fact, if I got a bald spot I'd look just like you!  And chest hair.  With gray in it. And back hair. And lots of arm hair.  And armpit hair like Isa has.  And toe knuckle hair..."

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