Monday, November 8, 2010

My Gifted Child

So, my oldest was placed in Talented and Gifted Reading. I was not as excited as you may think. First off, the former teacher in me does not like pull out classes at all. I don't like the idea of her leaving her regular class. From an instructional point of view, an integrated classroom just benefits everyone - especially the kids that are having trouble.

Anyway, we got the letter and she was in. I knew we were in trouble when we read the little introductory note from the teacher. Most of it was about how organized the class would be and the penalties for the students if they do not display the appropriate levels of organization and structure. Organization and structure? My kid is doomed. Since Isabella is exactly like her father, I knew it would be only a matter of time before the meetings would be called. It took less than a week.

Isabella does not have that internal voice that tells her to comply. She views instructions from adults as suggestions and pretty much sees school as a cafeteria plan. While I think this critical assessment of everything will serve her well later, it does cause problems when one is in the third grade.

Well, Isabella brought to class only the supplies with which she was interested in working, and completed only the assignments she felt were valuable or interesting. Which was none. On day four of TAG, The Husband got an email from the teacher that suggested Isabella did not belong in the class. Which is not the way to build a strong working relationship with parents. "Hi! I've never met you before, but your kid isn't smart enough to be in my very important class." Yeah, someone should not be teaching TAG. Or at least should try to avoid grammar and spelling errors and limit herself to only one punctuation mark at the end of each sentence.

Anyway, we scheduled the meeting with the principal, regular teacher and the genius TAG teacher. We also lectured Isabella and instructed her to do her work, even if it was stupid or boring.

Two days later, I was driving Isabella to dance. I asked how TAG went that day.

"Oh... yeah... Mom. I don't remember."
"Isabella. It was today."
"Oh! TAG! Yeah it was great!"
"Really? What did you do in class today?"
"We took our test over The Dollhouse Murders."
"Yeah? How did you do?"
"So you did finish reading the book, then?"
"Hmmm. Well, sadly Mom, I did not actually finish the book."
"If you didn't finish the book, how did you do great on the test?"
"Well, it only had three questions on it! Isn't that awesome?!?"
"Isabella. In my entire life I have never seen a test with three questions on it."
"Hm. Well, Mom, I guess you should have been in TAG today, huh?"

Yep. I guess I should have been.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, can I relate to this one! I love it. LOVE your stories! Keep 'em coming!


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